There's a completely different reality portrayed on Libyan TV from what every other news channel in the world is telling its viewers - this morning, they're excelling themselves with every presenter wearing a green scarf. They've been out on the streets of (presumably) Tripoli, filming people going about their business, shopping, and generally smiling in the sunshine (perhaps recorded this morning as it seems, from some apparently live links from outside the TV complex, that it's sunny today in Tripoli) and no sign of anti-Gaddafi protests.
So far, there's no evidence that Libyan TV staff have had enough of the propaganda they have to sell to viewers, but I wonder whether all the technical staff are on duty - audio levels are all over the place!
Gaddafi's son has been on the air, this time filmed alongside the TV's master control room (the glass could do with a jolly good clean, as it's definitely not sparkling at present). It was half interview, half tirade...he certainly doesn't look like a happy fellow.
If you want to join the fun, tune to Libyan TV on HotBird at 12.654, horizontal polarisation, 27500.
It's going to be interesting to see what happens on air over the next few days...